HLAC fun server updated to revision 6244

...and with the update, comes a new compat pack, too, of course.

When you join the server, Nexuiz will automatically download this compat pack: http://totclan.game-server.cc/nexsrv/packages/zzz_svn-compat-6244.pk3
You can manually download this file and place it in your nexuiz/data (or nexuiz/data/dlcache) folder beforehand, if you wish.

If you use an SVN version of Nexuiz yourself (revision 6244 or later), then you can download this package instead: http://totclan.game-server.cc/nexsrv/packages/zzz_FAKE_svn-compat-6244.pk3
This will save you a lengthy download, as you already downloaded the neccessary game media with Nexuiz.
ONLY use this with recent SVN clients, do NOT use it with a 2.4.2 client.